Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Careful Man, There's Vinegar Here!"

Here is an article that I wrote for The with a bit added by the editor.  I am reprinting it here as well.  I little note for those that are unaware.  The Dudespaper is the official publication of the Church of the Latter-Day Dude, also know as Dudeism.  The basic ideas of Dudeism are a mixture of Taoism, Humanism, and The Big Lebowskirolled into one package.

This article is about how I equated The Vinegar Tasters to the bowling team from the movie, The Big Lebowski.  Hope you like it!

By William Hoffknecht, The False Prophet of Dudeism
To have a great team, you need a good balance. The bowling team comprised of Donny, Walter, and The Dude is a perfect example. They work so well because of the mix of people and emotions that are ever prevalent within their circle. They are able to combine two great extremes, and one center weight to keep the polar opposites from clashing constantly.
Their mix reminds me of one of the most important pieces of ancient Chinese art, especially Taoist art, entitled "The Vinegar Tasters". If you are unaware of the piece, it is a simple picture with a vat labeled "vinegar" in the center and three men standing around it. The three men have all taken a taste and each is giving a different reaction to the situation.
The three in the picture represent the three pillars of Eastern thought. The first man in the picture is Confucius, standing next to him is Buddha, and the three are rounded off with the wise master, Lao Tzu. Each of their reactions are indicative of their philosophies and schools of thought. I equate Confucius to our friend Walter Sobchak, Buddha to Donny, and of course The Dude is very much Lao Tzu. This analogy can be expanded very deeply if you really want to try…and I do!
As the history of the painting describes, Confucius tastes the vinegar and finds it to be sour. This is a metaphor for the fact that he thought life to be sour and that the only way to find balance with nature and the way of things was to implement rules while remembering and worshiping the past, the ancestors. Walter, as much as we may love him, is so hard-line with the idea of following the rules that is goes to a great extreme. He also finds any situation to remind us of Vietnam and the sacrifices that his friends made for this country. Not only that, but he continues being obsessed with his ex-wife, her religion, and her dog. It is as if Walter is telling all of us that in order to be at peace, we need to find rules, live by them, and be reminded of the past.
It is said that when Buddha tastes the vinegar he found it to be bitter, full of tragedies and desires, extremes that lead away from inner peace and enlightenment. Before he became The Buddha, Siddhartha lived a lavish life of beauty and love with no idea about pain and suffering. One day he saw a sick and dying man and wanted to know more about the real world and what was happening. This caused him grief. After more trials and many years of meditation, Enlightenment was said to have been reached when Buddha practiced "The Middle Way", balance of the body and the soul. This reminds me of Donny in a lot of ways. He is not an extreme in the ways that Walter or The Dude are, but instead stays peacefully in the middle, totally unfazed but also somewhat unmoved by the complexities in life.
One can also find a parallel in the fact that Donny was on a roll, strike after strike, until one day he left one pin hanging and finally learned about suffering. This was also the last day that he walked the earth, at least in a physical sense of the word.
Yet also, in comparison with Confucianism and Taoism, traditional Buddhism has as its ultimate goal "Nirvana", which literally means a "a snuffing out", that is, a release from the cycle of birth and death (and by i am the walrus emoticonextension, bowling). Taoism and Confucianism are arguably more interested in the day-to-day affairs of our physical and social lives; in the same way, the Dude and Walter are far more "in the world" than Donny is.
On a slightly different note, when Donny hears the conversation about Lenin and thinks they are talking about John Lennon, his mind goes to "I am the Walrus", who has been revealed (by Kevin Smith in the movie Dogma at least) to represent the Buddha. I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together my friends.
Lao Tzu:
In the painting, Lao Tzu is said to be smiling. That’s because he found pleasure in the flavor of life as it is. As he tasted the vinegar, he realized that this is the way nature intended this vinegar to taste and therefore was at peace with it. The Dude is very much the same way. We also know that the Dude rides the Taoist wave. He is a human and sometimes gives into human stress and frustrations, but he is quick to be reminded that he is being very "un-Dude" and meets life’s challenges at the next crest, never fearing the outcome. The Dude does not get bitter or find suffering in the fact that he may need to get more milk for his Caucasian, or that it is time to pay the rent again. I also think of the Dude mixing a White Russian. He does not measure the parts, but pours them and drinks merrily. Maybe there is a different mix of Kahlua or Vodka, but each serving has something positive to take from it.
There is beauty in the fact that it was the Chinaman that caused his heroic journey by peeing on the Dude’s rug. We know that the Dude was a more of a fighter from his past experiences. After the Chinaman set forth the series of events that we know of, the Dude is a more peaceful and calm man in the end. Perhaps the Chinaman taught the Dude that a little vinegar need not be such a catastrophic drag.

The Vinegar Tasters has been one of my favorite pieces for many years, as has the Tao, but now we see that Lao Tzu was ahead of his time. The Vinegar Tasters lived in the days before Ralph’s, In-N-Out Burger, or bowling, but they knew that even many years later they would be reincarnated in the souls of these people that would go on to teach us all that there are many different ways to view a situation and react to it. Walter found peace in structure and the past, Donny in both knowledge and the present, and The Dude in life as a whole.
To which I say, "Mind if I do a J?"

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Looking for Another Writer

Hello all.  I am posting this here first and depending on what kind of responses I get I might expand out to craigslist.  I am looking for another blogger to join my little project here.  This is, at the moment, a non-paying position.  Hopefully that will change in the future.

I am looking for someone that can submit an article once a week.  I would like to edit this article, but I will not silence or change your voice.  Overall I am just looking for someone with an opinion that can meet a deadline.  Preferred length of the editorials are somewhere around 750-1000 words, but that is not firm as of yet.  You do not have to agree with all of our politics nor am I looking to censor here.  The only thing that I do ask is that you have a humanistic viewpoint, whether secular or sacred, I do not care about.  This is a website that as you can see by the title is based on reason and humanism, not lies and ignorance.

Near the bottom of the page is a link to a contact form if you are interested.  I would like your name, contact info, and if you have links to some sample writings or just add some into the email.  If you have opinions on how or why to change this site, I will gladly accept those as well.  I am posting here because I would like to give my readers the first crack at this, but if I do not get any replies, then I guess I will go outside of our little circle to find someone. 


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Time to Touch on a Few Points

This has been a very busy and exciting, as well as frustrating month for me.  It has been very hard for me to find the time to sit and write like I am used to, so that is what has caused the lack of recent posts.  I suppose that would matter if I had readers, but that is a delusion of grandeur at this time.  =)

First I need to touch on the Health Care Overhall bill that is about to be passed in the Senate, once the Republicans run out of stall tactics and go on with doing business.  As happy as I am that there will be this bill and some good things are coming out it, I am disappointed in almost everyone over this, but mostly that traitor Lieberman.  He says he is standing up for what he believes but I doubt that.  Whether or not he voted for the bill is not the issue, the fact that he would have broke lines and voted with the Republicans for filibusterer is sickening. 

Back to the matter at hand.  This bill is going to help a lot of people and screw the insurance companies.  Fuck them.  They do way more harm than good and hide under the veil of being helpful and welcoming.  I was for abolishing the entire thing.  Get rid of them as a whole and go with the system that makes sense:  the single-payer system.  This was never going to happen at this time though.  Instead we were given the "public option" which the Republicans misrepresented and consistently LIED about until they got enough people on their side as well as a couple of the democrats that are in the pockets of the insurance agencies to vote it out.  So what does this bill really mean?  Not much at all.  The consumer now has some protections against the beast, but that is really about it.

The fact remains that without free preventative health care, with fast food so cheap, and with so many alcohol and tobacco related deaths, our nation will continue to have an awful health record.  Health care is so expensive because we spend so much on a mixture of things that we do not need as well as on things that are preventable. 

I will get down from my soapbox on this issue for now.  Time to move one.

Dell, the computer company, has just about the worst customer service I have ever seen.  I am waiting to deal with them again sometime in the next few days and depending on the outcome with decide whether or not I will be a customer of theirs ever again.  They have long wait times, a horrible system where you have to bounce around between a ton of people just to get a hold of someone that can actually answer you question, a recording system and does not work right, shipping, delivery, and contact promise times that are a lie, and overall a website that is a joke to navigate.  I have been through hell and back on the phone with them for over a week and I am still in a place where I am unclear about the status of my order.  Fuck their service and I ask all of you to save yourself the hassle and never purchase a Dell product again.  It is nice that they are a US based company, but when all of their jobs are shipped overseas, what does it matter?  You are no longer supporting Americans except the few that are still on the board.

In other news, has gotten hit with a huge fine from the French.  About time.  I love Google and for the most part love their business model, but they are one of the worst offenders in copyright violations and are finally getting some shit for it.  There are some things that I agree with the laws and others that I do not.  When it comes to copyright, I will side with the artist 99% of the time, and with the heirs and family of a deceased artist about 1% of the time.  This is a time where Google needs to step back and rethink their system.

We are in the thick of the holiday season at this moment which for me means work work work.  I do love working for Amazon, not just because I love my company, but also because with the amount of stuff and orders that come through our building, I feel kinda like Santa, or at least one of his elves...a manly elf though.  Not one of those with a high voice and pointed shoes.  I am like the elf tech support guy...hey...I wonder how I can get that job??

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just a Quick One to Start Off the Month

Happy December everybody, fellow writers and readers alike.  This is the beginning of month number three for my little project here which, even if I have no readers or people who give a shit, I feel better getting to speak to my small, no wait, exclusive audience.

Today I read an article that sums up a lot of what I think and things that I wish to make better in this world while I am here.  It is on the website "Art of Manliness" ( which is one of the most excellent web sites that I have found in recent times.  If you have not read it, do it, sign up for it's RSS feed (...and mine while you are at it) and take the time.  Women, this web site has stuff for you as well!

Anyway, here is a link to the specific article:
Amusing Ourselves to Death

I will say that some of the skills and thoughts that I found here and all over this site I use in daily life.  I think I actually do feel more manly, but in a good way, not in the alpha-male sort of way.  There are skills that all men should know.  I grew up in a house where my father worked hard and knew a ton about a lot of things, but unfortunately he worked all of the time and did not have time to show me as much as I would have liked.  A lot I figured out on my own, but some came from the AoM site.

I will stop gushing and wish everyone a happy holiday season, whatever religion/social class/creed/ethnicity/nationality you may be.