Saturday, December 19, 2009

Time to Touch on a Few Points

This has been a very busy and exciting, as well as frustrating month for me.  It has been very hard for me to find the time to sit and write like I am used to, so that is what has caused the lack of recent posts.  I suppose that would matter if I had readers, but that is a delusion of grandeur at this time.  =)

First I need to touch on the Health Care Overhall bill that is about to be passed in the Senate, once the Republicans run out of stall tactics and go on with doing business.  As happy as I am that there will be this bill and some good things are coming out it, I am disappointed in almost everyone over this, but mostly that traitor Lieberman.  He says he is standing up for what he believes but I doubt that.  Whether or not he voted for the bill is not the issue, the fact that he would have broke lines and voted with the Republicans for filibusterer is sickening. 

Back to the matter at hand.  This bill is going to help a lot of people and screw the insurance companies.  Fuck them.  They do way more harm than good and hide under the veil of being helpful and welcoming.  I was for abolishing the entire thing.  Get rid of them as a whole and go with the system that makes sense:  the single-payer system.  This was never going to happen at this time though.  Instead we were given the "public option" which the Republicans misrepresented and consistently LIED about until they got enough people on their side as well as a couple of the democrats that are in the pockets of the insurance agencies to vote it out.  So what does this bill really mean?  Not much at all.  The consumer now has some protections against the beast, but that is really about it.

The fact remains that without free preventative health care, with fast food so cheap, and with so many alcohol and tobacco related deaths, our nation will continue to have an awful health record.  Health care is so expensive because we spend so much on a mixture of things that we do not need as well as on things that are preventable. 

I will get down from my soapbox on this issue for now.  Time to move one.

Dell, the computer company, has just about the worst customer service I have ever seen.  I am waiting to deal with them again sometime in the next few days and depending on the outcome with decide whether or not I will be a customer of theirs ever again.  They have long wait times, a horrible system where you have to bounce around between a ton of people just to get a hold of someone that can actually answer you question, a recording system and does not work right, shipping, delivery, and contact promise times that are a lie, and overall a website that is a joke to navigate.  I have been through hell and back on the phone with them for over a week and I am still in a place where I am unclear about the status of my order.  Fuck their service and I ask all of you to save yourself the hassle and never purchase a Dell product again.  It is nice that they are a US based company, but when all of their jobs are shipped overseas, what does it matter?  You are no longer supporting Americans except the few that are still on the board.

In other news, has gotten hit with a huge fine from the French.  About time.  I love Google and for the most part love their business model, but they are one of the worst offenders in copyright violations and are finally getting some shit for it.  There are some things that I agree with the laws and others that I do not.  When it comes to copyright, I will side with the artist 99% of the time, and with the heirs and family of a deceased artist about 1% of the time.  This is a time where Google needs to step back and rethink their system.

We are in the thick of the holiday season at this moment which for me means work work work.  I do love working for Amazon, not just because I love my company, but also because with the amount of stuff and orders that come through our building, I feel kinda like Santa, or at least one of his elves...a manly elf though.  Not one of those with a high voice and pointed shoes.  I am like the elf tech support guy...hey...I wonder how I can get that job??

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