Just a few minutes ago I noticed one at the bottom that just pissed me off something fierce. It was an ad against gay marriage in Maine, a vote that takes place tomorrow. Fuck that.
Here it is:
I do not want to endorse any of those idiots that think that denying someone the right to marry based on sexual preference is okay. I think I will write a nasty letter to Google over this even. I want everyone to know that not ONE of their arguments against gay marriage holds water when you actually think about it; when you take more than 5 seconds to consider this. It is just another way for religious types to cast their moral values on other people. It sickens me and I will get into a debate with anyone any day of the week over this. I have been arguing for gay rights since I first learn how to form an argument and I am tired of it.
Are we still children here?! Are we this cynical as a nation? I thought that our society has moved past this. At least I know that gay marriage will become legal in Maine, as it has in many other states now, and will soon be in California again.
I am usually against name-calling, it is no way to argue a point, but I am just getting so frustrated over this argument. I think that is what they want though. If we get frustrated enough that we resort to the way that neocons like to "argue", then they win. Fuck that shit. I want to sit and call them all a bunch of people using religion to hide their thinly veiled racism and fears. They do not understand, so they push away. I want to call them a bunch of ignorant pricks, but I will not resort to that.
I welcome any of you to comment or email me through the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of the page. Come on, I am ready to throw down with this any day of the week. I have logic and reason on my side, you have nothing. I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE on this topic!
...and one last thing: Google, you should be ashamed of yourself. If your little crawlers worked at all, then your AdSense crap would know that this blog is for reason and humanity, not junk science and silly beliefs or superstitions that do not make ANY SENSE.
Okay, so now that we see this happen, it turns out that Maine shot down the law. That is too bad. Hell, gays can marry here in Nevada but not in Maine or California?! This is weird. I thought that New England was one of the hotbeds of progressive thought, but I guess I was wrong. Maine, you should be ashamed of yourself.
ReplyDeleteThis whole thing is soooo crazy. As I've grown older and come to know a few gay men and women, I've come to realize that the gays I have met are more mature and have more love in their hearts than some of the most religiously committed Christians.
ReplyDeleteSome of the readers may get tired of me quoting scripture or making reference to it but here goes again: Jesus said to the Pharisees of his day, "You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. . . .but I know you. I know that you do not have the love of God in your hearts" (John 5:39, 42). That is so applicable to this issue.
Also, in Romans where Paul "seems" to be condemning homosexuality (Romans 1:18-32), Paul is "really" condemning the judgmental attitudes in the Christian Church (2:1-the rest of the book). Taken in the whole context, Paul is saying that those who "judge" their sisters and brothers are practicing things (2:1) which are just as bad as what they are condemning in others (he uses homosexuality to set them up for this point). What he is saying is that it just feels to fleshly "damn" good to judge others (emphasis on '"damn" good'). And those who are trapped by this judgmental attitude have forgotten the theology of grace which he puts forward in this book.
Yeh, that "Little Blue Dot" spill by Carl Sagan makes me think this whole thing about living a life of grace--that is giving everyone the "gift" of love which each of us have already receaved for ourselves--is the only way to "not" waste our time here.