Monday, July 19, 2010

Justin "Hellspawn" Bieber

So I have been trying to be nice about this all, but I have reached a point where I can stand it no longer.  Here it goes:


I am reminded that we are at a threshold of human evolution, we have almost all of the world's knowledge at our fingertips, but we are far too interested in what that little white christian boy has to way.  Have you ever listened to this no-talent ass clown and been able to hold back the full-body dry heave that your body instinctively pushes up?  I mean, you might want to sit there and think "Oh man, lay off the kid.  He is just a kid man, let it go."

No.  I will not let it go. 

I used to be so passionate about music but I have grown more and more apathetic as the years go on because of crap like this.  Not only this, but even rock music sucks a big one lately.  I happened to turn on the radio recently, which was my first mistake, to find a band that used to be considered metal, and I think they still are, but I guess metal just means heavy aggro-rock with retarded lyrics like "Everyone come clap your hands" and shit that you used to only find on the worst hip-hop songs.  Rock and roll, rock music, used to be home to the most hardcore and fringe people writing some of the most edge-of-your-seat lyrics that were made to talk to the youth of America and make you want to become a true idealist, but now it is just more garbage.  Music today is basically just some producer shitting on a microphone and sending out to ClearChannel so that they can pump the airwaves with it twice an hour. 

To quote the ever brilliant Bill Hicks when we was talking about pop music 20 years ago, these musicians are just "demons set loose on the earth to lower the standards for all mankind and making us pay a higher psychic price in the long run."  I knew Bill was smart, but it is amazing how topical some of his work is still today.  Sometimes I think he was a prophet.

There are so few bands out there and play something new and interesting with meaning and depth.  It used to be that you could go to the indie scene and find creativity and truth, but the hegemony of the music system has bought and sold most of those artists as well.  Now most of it is junk too.  It is a huge snowball that is rolling around and around, sucking up anything that pops up.  As soon as a new fresh face comes around it is bought and sold ten times over.  I do not blame them, we all wish that we could get paid to play music for a living, but what ever happened to rebellion and anger in music?  The issue is that because the man buys everything up and puts it to market, now people have to be safe and afraid or else someone won't want to buy their record.  Fuck me!  If I was a big-time musician I would say what I felt needed to be said and if you are offended by it, then you are not that one that my record was intended for and I probably don't want to listening to my music anyway.  You are wasting it.  Give that record to someone that still has a soul and stick with your Jim Neighbors vinyls. 

Moving forward on this topic, I see tons of articles about people complaining about the new single and video from Lady Gaga.  Now, before I start on her, I will admit that not all of her tunes are bad.  At least she can actually play a damn instrument, but she is just another attention whore that is doing and saying things so that those cameras never leave her face.  The issue that I am having is that her new song and video for "Alejandro" is not that controversial.  People are making a mountain out of a molehill here.  The video is not that blasphemous or sexually suggestive.  Some people label her as the new Madonna, but she has little to no substance other than preaching for gay rights, which I am all for, but that is about it.  The sad part is that people have gotten so apathetic with music that they think the slightest suggestion is controversy when it shouldn't be and while the true musicians that should be making headlines get no attention.  Hell, other than small-time punk bands and some indie rockers, very few people with any clout fought against the wars in the middle east.  The beauty of the 60s was that in the great turmoil, some of the most amazing and influential music grew and flourished.  This time we have a very unpopular war and had the worst president in office and everyone with any influence were too afraid to really speak.  There were a few exceptions to this, but again, they did not receive the attention that they should have...(NIN, A Perfect Circle, Green Day).

We are in a lull marketing and the capitalist dollar have truly taken hold.  Everyone is afraid of losing their jobs.  Even people in powerful positions are becoming Chomsky's "wage slaves."  There are still many mediums of free speech in this country, but through right-wing fear tactics and corporate greed we are left far too scared to use them.  Music and stand-up comedy are two of the perfect mediums for speaking out against the problems of the world but even they have become scared or losing album sales and sponsors.  We need a new Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, or Bill Hicks.  We need someone that is not afraid to stand up and piss everyone off.  There are still a couple of them out there, but few and far between.  Howard Stern finally gave up his fight years ago and was relegated to satellite radio.  It is a sad state of affairs and these little twerps like Justin Bieber are just riding of the crest of the depressing and hideous wave.  Someday, will we be able to look west and see Hunter S. Thompson's high water mark of awfulness and remember that we were there when the wave broke and rolled back into the pit that it came from? 

I doubt it.  Not as long as retards run this country and they are more afraid of losing votes then doing the job that they were voting in to do.  People are far too willing to try to cater so that they can still have a voice instead of standing up and using that voice with reason and clarity to educate the world on what they truly feel should be done. 

We should be ashamed of ourselves.  I know that I am.

By the way...if you love good writing and hate everything that Justin Bieber stands for like I do, check out this site:


  1. I love that link so much I think that I will add it to my favorite links section...

  2. So I posted the link, but not like a few days after I posted it, the website seems to no longer be up. That is too was awesome.
