Bob Geldof
This is still the case and I love that one of my heroes, Sir Geldof, stood in front of a large hipster crowd at SXSW and said it to their faces. He was basically telling the audience and artists to stop being pussies. I believe that he was trying to say that they are the ones that will drive change and drive the spirit of music but they are too busy inflating their fevered egos with twitter, facebook, and other diversions, too afraid to alienate some of their fan base while truly discouraging the ones that want to care. The artists, rock musicians in general, need to grow a pair or rock music will lose all meaning.
I once read that all people feel change, but that the artists are defined as being much more sensitive to those winds of change. Now I love that quote and it has stuck with me from the moment I read it. This is how I have defined true artists, by their creativity as well as their sense of the movement around themselves. Now, talking about the ineptitude of music recently brings me to the next event from this past week which was the release of the single "Friday" by tweeny-bopper Rebecca Black
If you have not heard of her, that is because this is her first single. If you have heard it, then you should not be able to forget the song that is being hailed as the Worst Pop Song Ever. It is worse than that new Kim Kardashian single, which is a really hard line to cross. I do not blame the Ms. Black as she did not write the song, did not produce the song, and had nothing to do with it other than sing it at her mom's request. She is the victim here. If you heard anything about this, the company that made it released the song/video on youtube. They released this young girl to the wolves holding a stick of dry salami as a weapon! We all know that the internet is a harsh harsh mistress and dealing with her is hard water to tread, but this is what they did. She has been called awful, a terrible singer, and told to cut herself and die.
The issue here is not Ms. Black. The issue is that this is the pinnacle in a long-line of garbage that the music industry tries to force feed us. The lyrics are about on the level with Raffi while being passed off for teens. This is worse than anything that Disney has forced down the throat of America's youth. I have heard kid's songs with more depth and better structure than this atrocity of the ears. Not to mention that when you pair it up with the awful overproduction and auto-tune features as well as the weird and puerile rap part about catching a bus, it is the perfect recipe for disaster. In this case, the internet is not really lashing out at her as much as lashing out at the industry as well as the "artists" for the apathy that Bob Geldof spoke of. Ms. Black seems to be taking it all with as much of a grain of salt as a teen girl in today's world can, but I hope she will someday understand where this anger and frustration over her release is really being aimed toward.
We are right now still a world of change, sometimes for the worse, but overall I believe we are still moving in the right direction. As a people, we are evolving and changing, growing with every step. We are now capable of so much that our grandfather's would have never foreseen. We have the knowledge of the world at our beck and call while finding more ways to utilize our abilities to new heights. The artists and musicians though are not following. They are lagging behind when they should be the motivating force.
I once read an essay by the great David Hume asking the question why we study philosophy. I took a lot out of it, but mainly I found that the study of philosophy is the precursor to the study of science and knowledge. The idea is that the questions of philosophy are the motivating force behind the questions and answers of science and evolution. Without us asking "Why?" we would not have everything we have today. I see art/music the same way. Music and art should be the driving force behind social change. The artist should be the ones that feel the need for change, write and rally, which will evolve ideas and politics. Lately, they have failed in this mission and we are all paying the price. We lost our ability to organize in a real and meaningful way behind an idea. This is why the politicians no longer fear the constituency. Once the politicians no longer fear the society, they are truly the most free people in the world to do and say whatever ideas come through their crazy heads.
I must digress now before I break my own rule and start talking politics again. But I shall leave you with the video that has caused all of this commotion.
WARNING: I do not recommend this to anyone. This is not safe for human consumption and we will all pay a higher psychic price in the end for this monstrosity of music.